Increase your Revenue per Sales Rep with Mindtickle and Seismic

There are two main reasons why 63% of sales reps fail to achieve their quota according to SiriusDecisions – improper training and an inability to find and use the relevant content. This week, Mindtickle and Seismic – the leading enterprise-grade sales readiness solution and sales enablement solution respectively – have created a technology partnership that solves these issues. Together they enable enterprise sales reps to train for and execute their sales interactions more effectively than ever before.

In this day and age, buyers have changed the way they purchase and interact with salespeople, and sales organizations need to be agiler to keep up. Customers now come to the table well informed and much further down their purchasing journey, and they expect reps to be ready to respond to their questions, needs, and objections. That’s why it’s now crucial to ensure your reps are prepared, up-to-date and able to engage prospects with the most relevant and personalized content.

The sales organizations that have adapted to this new world order have achieved this by ensuring their reps and everyone in the enablement process, from content creators in marketing to sales ops and training, have access to technologies that:

  • Provide on-demand access to all materials necessary to increase performance:It’s no longer sufficient to just email updates or conduct training sessions a couple of times a year. Best-in-class organizations ensure their reps receive feedback on both presentation dry-runs and the content used within them. Their reps are able to tweak content on Seismic and receive coaching on their pitch on Mindtickle whenever and wherever they need.
  • Enable just-in-time readiness on new content:By leveraging Mindtickle’s training and video coaching capabilities, sales reps can access new content and become smarter quicker. This has the added benefit of decreasing the time spent on separate training sessions or on requesting guidance from content creators.
  • Give access to valuable information:Information on reps’ performance and content engagement collected in Seismic and Mindtickle is fed back to individual reps. This enables them to continuously and intelligently improve how they perform their job, focusing in on the aspects that are directly tied to closing deals more effectively.
  • Provide holistic sales engagement data:In this data-driven world, teams involved in the creation of sales content and training collateral require a comprehensive view of their reps’ engagement with all sales-oriented materials. Best practice sales organizations leverage this data to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of their salespeople and further inform their enablement initiatives.
  • Enable new content certification:It’s no longer sufficient to certify your reps once when they are onboarded and then forget about it. Reps in best-in-class sales organizations are constantly learning and improving their knowledge. Mindtickle’s certification process responds to this by applying to new collateral, including product brochures and case studies. This ensures that their reps only use the content in the field once they have demonstrated proficiency and expertise in presenting it.

By integrating Mindtickle’s training, coaching, role play and communication capabilities with Seismic’s personalized content creation and analytical capabilities, this technology partnership brings together each of these aspects. The result is a technology solution that enables best-in-class sales teams to focus on driving revenue. All teams involved in the sales enablement process, from Sales Ops to Content and Product marketing are enabled to accelerate deals, improve win rates and increase the revenue earned per sales rep.

“At Nutanix, we pride ourselves in providing sales reps with the right technologies they need to exceed quotas and drive revenue,” said Amir Chaudry, Head of Global Sales Enablement, Educational Services & Field Readiness at Nutanix, a leader in enterprise cloud computing. “The combination of Seismic and Mindtickle does just that, helping reps prepare and master messaging before meetings, and win the deal with the most relevant information and collateral during them.”

We’re excited about this partnership and believe it will add value to our customer’s businesses by helping their sales organizations to sell more effectively.

For more information on the Mindtickle-Seismic technology partnership, read the full press release here.

[Podcast] Handling Sales Enablement? Do it like a Pro (Episode 16)

In this 18-minute interview Guardia outlines:

  • How to tackle sales readiness for new product launches
  • How to get the buy-in from your leadership
  • Tips to get your own sales enablement budget
  • Which metrics and KPI’s sales enablement managers should track

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“I’ve been actually practicing the sales enablement role for many years. In fact, so many years that I believe I was here before the term sales enablement emerged,” mentions Jill Guardia, Sales Enablement Leader, and Practitioner. She has worked in Sales Enablement for more than a decade, working with companies such as Symantec, Rapid7. She is also currently the President of Boston Chapter of the Sales Enablement Society.
Working with multiple technology firms she has established sales enablement teams from scratch. With this experience under her belt, Guardia has a lot of experience to share with new sales enablement leaders and management on where to start with sales enablement. More importantly, she also has some great advice on how to get the budget approved for your enablement initiatives.
“To be successful as a sales enabler, you need to think about how can you run this mini-business inside your company successfully,” says Guardia.
“We measure a lot of different things, but are we measuring the right things? More than often you’ll find that sales enablement people are measuring indicators with a bias to training. They are measuring a number of people who are trained, the number of hours consumed in training, and the smile sheets. Is that really telling you the success of the sales enabler, enablement team? Probably not,” says Guardia offering some great advice to new sales enablement leaders.

Furthermore, Guardia enumerates important KPI’s and metrics that sales enablement managers should start tracking. Continuing on from the last podcast, where Guardia outlines how fast-growing companies can coach and enable their frontline managers and sales leadership, in this podcast, she takes this her advice a step further advising sales enablers on the nitty-gritty of their role.

[Podcast] Coaching the Front Line Managers with Jill Guardia (Episode 15)

Listen now, as Guardia outlines how fast-growing companies can coach and enable their frontline managers and sales leadership, regardless of their size.
In this 16-minute interview Guardia outlines:

  • How to coach your frontline managers effectively
  • Ways to enable your sales leadership
  • Tips to deal with managers who are reluctant to coach
  • Best practices for sales enablement and coaching

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“If you just take your reps and you say,

’Hey congratulations! Tomorrow you are a manager, and we don’t provide any support or guidance about how best to do that, or stick with them throughout their journey to becoming the best manager they can be.’


hen that’s just wishful thinking, and it is not going to help the selling organization,” states Jill Guardia, Sales Enablement Practitioner and Leader, who is also P

resident of the Boston Chapter

of the Sales Enablement Society.
According to Guardia, “Sales enablement is really about ensuring that the selling organization and the partner community is prepared to do their job. That preparation comes in the form of skills, knowledge, systems, tools, and processes that focus on sales efficiencies and overall improvement of their sales effectiveness. In some cases, people call it an improvement to sales productivity.”

To ensure everyone contributing to sales effectiveness in an organization are on the same page, it’s crucial to enable the enablers.

Many managers don’t know how to coach well. They may have been great sales reps, but just because they’ve been promoted into a management role doesn’t mean they’re equipped to perform it.

Coaching Millennial Salespeople

Coaching-millennial-salespeopleMillennials are set to represent 75% of the global population by 2025. While they might be the youngest people in your business, they are by no means the most junior. Millennial managers and CEOs are now commonplace, the latter particularly in startups and technology. It’s well established that Gen X and Baby Boomer’s value career development and job satisfaction.

Similarly, millennials have distinct behaviors and work preferences, which is why they need specific training and coaching to help them perform better on the field.

To develop a coaching program that addresses the unique preferences of millennials, it’s important to understand how their behavior differs from other generations. This then impacts how to coach them, and even their propensity to be coached.

We’ve identified seven imperatives to take into account when structuring a coaching program for your millennial salespeople.
coaching millennial salespeople_post

Let’s dive deeper into each of these and outline how they impact your sales coaching program.

Tie coaching to technology

By far the most distinguishing feature of millennials is the ease with which they understand and prefer to use technology. They’ll reject clunky antiquated systems in favor of convenient and intuitive technology. For millennials, being connected at all times is essential, in fact, 83% sleep with their smartphone by their bed.

While many millennials are comfortable socializing in person, they’re adept at using online mediums to enhance relationships and broaden their reach. So don’t be surprised if your millennial sales rep prefers to email customers rather than calling them.

How does this impact coaching?

  • Leveraging sales readiness technology is no longer a nice-to-have, it’s essential. Your millennial reps will demand that it be easy to use, accessible and helpful to perform their job. Without each of these factors, your reps may simply choose not to use your tools, and some may even find new ones to use. Keeping your millennial reps well-connected can pay dividends, in fact, our customers have found that 36% of their millennial reps choose to engage with information voluntarily outside of work hours.
  • Millennials preference to leverage technology may impact their ability to communicate with customers in other ways. This means they may require some back-to-basics coaching on how to develop relationships in person, from maintaining eye contact to opening a conversation. If some of your buyer personas are not millennials then this could also include coaching them on how to address generational preferences in customer conversations, and in particular when it’s appropriate to use technology and when it’s not. For example, baby boomer customers may prefer speaking to someone in person over email communication.

Keep content brief

Millennials are often depicted as having short attention spans when really they prefer consuming bite-sized information in short intervals. So when it comes to training, rather than sitting for hours in a classroom, your reps are more likely to consume bite-sized information. This addresses both a preference for crisp communication and accessing information on their mobile device.
Bite-size content

Millennials are also expert multi-taskers, they’re often listening to podcasts while answering emails. Their proficiency in managing multiple tasks makes them experts at consuming information in different ways than previous generations.

How does this impact coaching?

  • Keep coaching sessions short but regular. Rather than conducting one-on-one coaching marathons just once in awhile, coach your reps regularly but in shorter intervals.

Engage them and not just manage them

Collaboration is one of the best ways to engage a millennial salesperson. They value learning from others and working as part of a team. They like to learn and solve problems by hearing success stories and working in teams. Millennials believe in sharing their wisdom and experiences as well, which provides a great opportunity for other teammates to learn from them.

Another way to engage them is by using gamification to encourage some healthy competition. In fact, 79% of learners believe their learning is more productive when introduced in a gamified environment. As self-starters, don’t be surprised if your millennial salespeople demand access to data so that they can gauge their own performance and plug their own knowledge gaps.

How does this impact coaching?

  • Leverage success stories and other tools to help reps learn from their peers. Practically understanding how others have approached a problem and then practicing it in a role play may even be more effective than being verbally trained by their manager.
  • Make coaching a team effort by providing online collaboration tools that allow your “A players” and seasoned reps to share their experiences. This can be facilitated through a sales enablement platform so it doesn’t matter where your experts and reps are based. After all, millennials are comfortable conversing with people online, regardless of their location.
  • Gamify the experience wherever possible so that reps can compete against each other, and even themselves.
  • Be transparent with your data. By giving your reps access to their data you enable them to identify their own gaps and allow them to suggest areas they would like to be coached on. When reps buy into their own coaching plan they’ll put their heart and should into it refining their own knowledge and skills.

Ensure coaching is driven by their values

Millennials have grown up in an era where political correctness and social awareness is high. This permeates into their personal values, seeking out opportunities that add real value and have a social impact. They expect a lot from their life and their employers and like to see their work reflected in the bigger picture. They have opinions and aren’t afraid of expressing them, but are also open to hearing other perspectives and taking onboard feedback.

How does this impact coaching?

  • When coaching millennial sales reps be sure to explain the value in what you’re doing. They need to see where they are going and how it will make an impact on their performance and the broader business.
  • Take a values-driven approach by asking your reps what they value. This will help them incorporate this view into their feedback and long-term coaching plan.

Consider their expectations at all times

Millennials aren’t used to waiting for anything. They’ve always been able to access everything at the touch of a button, so don’t expect them to wait patiently for career progression either.

As self-starters, they’ll happily take responsibility for their own development if they know what to expect and how to achieve it.. In fact, research has found that people between 25 and 34 are more likely to express gratitude for “being satisfied with an existing job” then they are about “spending quality time with family and friends.” So harness their desire to enjoy their work and perform it well.

How does this impact coaching?

  • Rather than coaching a specific issue in isolation, use a structured approach to providing millennials with a clear roadmap for their development. This not only helps you structure a coaching program but also gives your reps transparency about what they need to achieve in order to progress.

Give them agility and freedom

Millennials have been quick to embrace, and in many instances have driven, the death of the standard workday. But just because your reps may not begin and end their working day in normal office hours doesn’t mean they don’t work just as hard. In fact, our customer data shows that 27% of millennial users access and engage with the Mindtickle platform between the hours of 8 pm and midnight, and 4% even access it on Sundays.

Other research indicates that millennials stress and worry about their work more than other age groups. But thankfully they are also driven to find ways to overcome these issues. The flexibility to work when it suits them can be challenging to manage, but it shouldn’t impact your ability to coach your millennial sales reps when they need it, whatever the time.

How does this impact coaching?

  • Leverage online coaching tools that are accessible whenever and wherever. This gives your reps the flexibility to manage their time as they please, and still receive feedback from you without having to be physically present for a one-on-one coaching session.
  • If you would like to have some oversight into your reps activities, sales readiness software like Mindtickle allows you to see when and how your reps are accessing coaching tools and content. This can even be used as an additional coaching point when this data is overlaid with sales information.

Leverage their willingness to receive feedback and recognition

The millennial generation was raised in an era where praise and reward are valued, so naturally, they value recognition in the workplace. But along with the need to be recognized is the understanding that feedback is part of the process. This makes them more open to giving and receiving feedback, and willing to apply it so that they can achieve further rewards.
How does this impact coaching?

  • As coaching often provides immediate feedback it may be more readily embraced by your millennial reps. When the feedback gives them visibility into their own progress and is linked to things they value, your millennial reps are more likely to take on board coaching and use it to succeed quicker.
  • To make your feedback easier to digest, it’s important to ensure that it’s directly relevant to your reps performance. It’s also helpful to deliver it in bite-sized pieces, so that specific issues can be readily addressed.

By reviewing and tailoring your approach to coach, you’ll not only help your millennial reps become better salespeople but also ensure that you retain them.

It’s also worth noting, that just because many of these techniques are directed towards the behaviors and values of your millennial reps, it doesn’t mean that your entire multi-generational workforce won’t benefit from them. It may take some time for some of your staff to get used to technology, but these modern coaching methods improve engagement, foster collaboration and enable remote workers to have the same level of development as their head office counterparts. While some may long for the good old classroom days g and in-person feedback, most will appreciate the benefits and flexibility that technology provides them.

[Podcast] How FMCG Giants Coach their Sales Teams (Episode 14)


In this 12 minute podcast Singh outlines the k

ey skills that a sales rep in the FMCG space should possess:

  • Different long and short-term initiatives that Dabur has implemented to achieve sales excellence;
  • How to leverage technology to overcome the challenges that field sales teams face; and
  • Key metrics to assess a sales rep’s growth and measure the outcome of your sales enablement program

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“Dabur is a large and diverse organization, so it became essential to have a standard onboarding system in place. To address this diversity we use an online tool. It has helped us introduce visibility into who the new hires are and whether they are trained on basic sales techniques that they need to know as part of the sales team at Dabur,” explains Chirag Singh, Sales Capability Development Manager at Dabur.

Dabur is a pioneer in the FMCG space, the world’s biggest ayurvedic and natural healthcare company, it has been in existence for 135 years. In this episode of the Sales Excellence Podcast, Singh explains how sales excellence is perceived in an FMCG business and how sales enablement initiatives are executed in a large organization like Dabur.

Like any other business, there are a lot of internal and external factors that affect sales performance. We decided to edify our reps’ process knowledge leading to increased process adherence, using an online platform has helped us achieve that. Process knowledge has gone up big time, leading to process awareness and adherence,

” claims Singh while talking about factors that impact sales excellence at Dabur.

Listen now to learn how a large and diverse organization like Dabur manages its sales organization and leverages technology to achieve sales excellence.

In Conversation with Procore on Sales Enablement


This post is based on a webinar on the secret to building a sales enablement powerhouse. You can listen to the entire webinar here.

Procore is the world’s most widely used construction project management software. It helps contractors keep track of their projects throughout the entire lifecycle of a project, from bidding to closeout, and helps them reduce errors and cost overruns. Procore was featured on Forbes Next Billion-Dollar Startups 2016 and reached unicorn status on Dec 2016. With such high growth, the size of the company inevitably increased, and they now have over 700 employees in 7 offices across the United States.

Three challenges triggered Procore’s need for sales enablement

Procore’s sales team was growing rapidly and they were having difficulty gauging the performance of their sales team, so they implemented a structured sales enablement program. Alex Jaffe, Sales Enablement Manager for Procore, played a critical role in executing this strategy. The key challenges they addressed by implementing a well-structured sales enablement program included:

  1. Keeping their salespeople up-to-date on a constantly evolving product, industry, and competitive information.
  2. Aligning their core messaging and sales process in a period of hyper-growth. This included hiring new reps and ramping them up quickly.
  3. Managing and delivering sales collateral in a way that ensured a consistent customer experience

They focused on three key areas of excellence

“Our approach to sales enablement is in three different areas of excellence. They are selling skills, a definite approach to product and industry is being a powerful leader in that perspective, and then working efficiently with our technology and maximizing the results. So, we focus really in depth on creating the knowledge, process, and skills to make it simple and digestible,” explained Jaffe.

The strategy was deployed using a two-prong approach

Sales enablement at Procore was structured into two distinct categories:

  1. Segment based
  2.  Functional based

All roles within the categories functioned as a conduit between sales and the different departments involved in each initiative.

The distinction based on functions and initiatives helped Procore handle their overall sales enablement program with ease.

“If you have one person focusing on sales enablement then you are not going to be able to to boil the ocean and focus on all the areas. What you guys can do is use productivity measures and understanding of what you can maximize and then do the prioritization based on that. So, at Procore what we have done is split these into two distinct buckets, which we think are two different mindsets. Different people are responsible for each of these initiatives,” explains Jaffe.

Procore’s sales enablement framework

Procore facilitated a structured, streamlined and outcome-oriented onboarding process to ensure their reps were set up for success. The first 90 days was the initial onboarding phase, and from then on it was about continual improvement, called ongoing enablement.

We start with a simple framework that works pretty well for us. It’s very important to see sales readiness in the two distinct views. First, the onboarding, which we view as 0-90 days, and then the ongoing enablement which is 90 plus days,” explains Jaffe.

Setting expectations is key to your onboarding program

With the framework in place, Jaffe then suggests setting goals and targets based on your onboarding program. “The first thing that you guys need to start on from an onboarding perspective is understanding the approach you want to do. Ultimately the one thing that you need to address is at what stage of onboarding you are, and what are the outcomes that you want to drive. So, if you are running let’s say, an onboarding program that’s five days long on the next Monday, what does the sales reps need on that day to be successful and working on their own. Maybe it’s about understanding the pitch, understanding the customer stories and understanding how to demo and that’s all that it is. Driving those outcomes and then taking the 30-60-90 days approach and asking what outcomes do I need my teams to have in 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, and then proceed to ongoing enablement.”

There are three important objectives to an ongoing plan

According to Jaffe ongoing enablement is as important as the initial onboarding phase.  He recommends that it’s tailor-made for each of your ramped up reps. Procore leverages Mindtickle for its ongoing enablement to achieve these three objectives:

  1. Constant reinforcement of knowledge and skills
  2. Regular updates of knowledge and processes
  3. Periodic re-calibration of processes and skills

Aligning your objectives helps to measure the impact of your program

Before you think about measuring the impact of your program, Jaffe suggests ensuring that it ’s well aligned with your overall objective.

“I think aligning your objectives with your global sales objectives as well as your company’s’ is critically important when you are measuring the impact of sales enablement. Sales enablement is not in a bubble creating its own objectives, it’s going to be completely dependent on what are we trying to drive at a company level and a global sales team level,” explains Jaffe.

At the end of the day, outcomes matter

Jaffe shared insights on how the impact of this program was measured and shared their impressive outcomes. “The most important thing with measuring the impact is identifying leading vs. lagging indicators. Leading indicators are going to be what you can coach and train your reps through. Lagging indicators are how you are going to measure that success. Lagging indicators are going to be the results closed, dollars won improvement in sales and things like that. Leading indicators would be an adoption of your program, how comfortable your reps are with the program.”

Procore has achieved impressive results with their sales enablement strategy, the figures speak for themselves:

  • >90% adoption of content and sales enablement technology
  • Sales reps rate the overall program at 4.8/5 according to their internal NPS survey
  • 99% of their sales reps recommend the program

Through a well-structured sales enablement program, Procore has been able to keep pace with their globally expanding sales team. With Mindtickle they have found the right balance between strategy, data, and technology to achieve an impressive outcome.

Coaching Quotes to Inspire your Sales Coaches


Coaching is often proffered but not performed. Being able to execute it right is one of the biggest challenges faced by sales organizations. Managers put it in the too hard basket leaving them, and their sales reps, behind the eight ball. Companies that understand the impact that coaching has on their sales managers invest more and see greater top-line revenue. In fact, they prioritize coaching with frontline managers spending up to

70% of their time coaching

and mentoring their reps. Some businesses even attributed an






% in their win rates to their focus on coaching.

But don’t just take our word for it. Here are six quotes from successful sales coaches on the power of coaching.

“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.” ~ Timothy Gallwey, Author

Coaching is not about telling someone what they should be doing, it is about helping them develop so that they get there on their own. Even the most self-aware rep might find it challenging to see how far they can go, that is where a good coach steps in.

“Big things are accomplished only through the perfection of minor details” ~ John Wooden, former basketball player and coach

While coaching will lead to transformative change in your reps, the devil is in the detail. Helping reps make small behavioral changes can actually have a huge impact on their performance in the short, as well as long-term.

“The most important thing in coaching is communication. It’s not what you say as much as what they absorb.” ~ Red Auerbach, former basketball coach

While giving feedback is one part of coaching, the coaching process as a whole has an important role to play. If your reps are coached in a structured manner where they have visibility of their progression path, the coaching is likely to have a greater impact and drive behavioral change than if they’re just given ad hoc feedback. This is also where coaching tools that enable role play and watching peers can help reps gather insights into their own behavior that they can use to improve their performance.

“What do you coach? You coach the gap. Build a bridge that takes your people from where they are today to where they want or need to be” ~ Keith Rosen, Author and CEO Profit Builders

Gap identification is the foundation of effective coaching. Having a structured process in place to identify gaps is crucial for coaching to commence. Once a comprehensive plan is designed to fill the gaps, reaching your target objectives will be relatively easy.

“When you’re coaching your sales reps, make sure your feedback is timely, consistent, objective, accurate, individualised and relevant.” ~ Barry Trailer, Research Principal CSO Insights

In order to be effective, coaching needs to be contextual. This helps reps understand how to put it into practice and be their best in their customer conversations. Unless you’re sitting next to your reps it’s impossible to provide feedback that meets each of these objectives all the time, but it can be achieved by leveraging sales enablement technology that enables structuring coaching.

“Everyone needs a coach” ~ Bill Gates, Founder and CEO Microsoft

Even when you’re at the top of your field, there is still scope to be better with effective coaching. Here’s what Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft, and Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman of Alphabet, have to say about corporate coaching


Don’t you think it’s time to take coaching seriously in your sales organization? 

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What is Sales Enablement?

Sales_Enablement_Two_sides_1Are you building a new sales enablement strategy to grow revenue? Before you get started it’s worth taking a deeper look at exactly what sales enablement is.

Forrester defines sales enablement as:

A strategic, ongoing process that equips all client-facing employees with the ability to consistently and systematically have a valuable conversation with the right set of customer stakeholders at each stage of the customer’s problem-solving life cycle to optimize the return of investment of the selling system.”


also does a great job at explaining the different facets of sales enablement:

Sales enablement is the process of providing the sales organization with the information, content, and tools that help salespeople sell more effectively.

So what does this mean for you?

Mindtickle POV: Sales Enablement = Sales Readiness + Sales Asset Management

There are two parts to sales enablement. The first one is foundational, like preparing your salespeople to have meaningful customer conversations. We call this “Sales Readiness” – the space that Mindtickle operates in.

Sales readiness delivers on three things:

  1. Ensuring customer-facing staff have the requisite knowledge of your products or services;
  2. Giving reps the skills to clearly articulate your unique value proposition; and
  3. Providing on-the-field coaching for contextual triggers like deal motion and skill development.

The goal of sales readiness is to ensure your reps are on message and always up-to-speed on your unique value proposition. For new hires, it is about accelerating their ramp up.

Ultimately, you are preparing your reps to have smarter sales conversations. Sales readiness initiatives are internally focused, not customer facing, so the content you produce would be consumed only by your sales team.

The second part, “Sales Asset Management”, is about ensuring your salespeople have the right conten

t in the context of where they are in the sales process fora specific deal

. The key objectives of sales asset management are:

  1. Improving customer engagement;
  2. Faster content delivery; and
  3. Simplifying content creation and management.

With so much customer-facing content being produced by marketing and sales enablement, it’s no surprise that your sales reps struggle to find the most relevant content for their prospects when they need it most. Companies like Showpad, Seismic and KnowledgeTree excel in this space.

So in a nutshell, sales asset management is about equipping your reps with the right content for their customer conversations, while sales readiness is about improving their performance by ensuring your reps have the knowledge, skills, and processes they need.

As a sales enablement leader, it’s important to communicate with your sales leadership to define and align the initiatives that will help your reps close more deals. These priorities may change from time to time. One month you may be focused on improving your SDR’s messaging and conversion rates, while in the next you could be focused on producing fresh content for a new product release.

Your sales enablement strategy will be based on the needs, challenges, and obstacles that your sales team are facing. Given how fast things change in the digital age this means your initiatives may change often, but the end-game always remains the same; to enable your sales reps so they can close more deals.

[Podcast] How MongoDB Reduced Ramp Up Time with Effective Sales Onboarding (Episode 13)

Listen now to learn how Powers deployed a successful sales onboarding program and maximized value from their boot camp experience.

In this 16-minute interview Powers outlines:

  • How onboarding helped MongoDB’s sales reps achieve sales excellence
  • How you can reinforce information after your boot camp
  • The key metrics that determine the success of an onboarding program
  • How sales enablement is structured and who owns it at MongoDB

“At MongoDB, we have a pretty thoughtful and structured approach to our new-hire onboarding. The goal is to provide the sales team with an in-depth understanding of the industry, our customers, our technology and solution sets. The second step is to build upon that baseline and knowledge to equip our reps to consistently qualify their opportunities, setting great meetings with the right people and then ultimately prepare them to engage in highly effective, highly valuable conversations with prospects.”

That is the vision behind the sales onboarding strategy at MongoDB. MongoDB is a leading technology company who spends nearly six times the industry average onboarding their sales reps. In this episode of the Sales Excellence Podcast, Jeremy Powers, Senior Director of Sales Enablement, shares how they structure their sales onboarding and boot camps to maximize their results.

“I think we took somewhere around 11 months before a rep was productive. In the last six to eight months we have really fine-tuned this onboarding program using Mindtickle from the boot camps to advanced sales training. And what we have seen is very consistently our people getting ramped in about five months. So we’ve gone from 11 plus months down to five which is just tremendous,” exclaims Jeremy.

5 Ways Technology Can Help Coach Sales Reps

Technology_help_coach_sales_repsYour high performing sales reps have a tremendous impact on revenue growth. If you’re lucky you’ll have a handful of them, but the reality is the majority of your reps will be performing at average or worse. What if you could identify the capabilities that your top sales reps have (and what makes them win) and replicate these across your sales team?

After all, building capability is a

top priority for CXOs

, and

according to McKinsey

coaching sales reps has the biggest impact on capability development. This means that coaching is no longer a nice-to-have but a business imperative. But for coaching to be effective it needs to be targeted. Targeted coaching (using a scientific approach) ensures your reps develop the capabilities to become successful.

The first step in creating a sales coaching process is to identify objectively what specific areas your individual reps need to be coached on. Then you need to determine the best way to coach your reps, rather than just telling them their gaps.

Create a culture of coaching

High-performance sales teams and sales coaching best practices go hand in hand. But sales coaching is often driven by managers who don’t have the time, tools, skills or data to coach effectively. And in most cases, it’s implemented in a haphazard manner that reflects the sales manager’s own personal whims and biases.

By putting in place a central system with predefined coaching workflows you can ensure that your sales managers receive the guidance they need to coach effectively and stay on plan. Technology gives you a highly scalable approach to rapidly identify, build, and sustain the targeted coaching needed to continuously improve performance and deliver impact. This will ultimately lead to more predictable sales behaviors and revenue.

1. Provide a structure

Sales coaching isn’t an ad-hoc or one size fits all activity. That’s why it’s important to have a plan that outlines which capabilities need to be developed and what role different stakeholders will play in the process to ensure their sales coaching is effective.

The first step towards structuring your sales coaching is to have a

sales coaching plan

. Typically there are three parts to a sales coaching plan – knowledge, skill, and process. Depending on what your businesses are, you’ll weight each of these attributes differently and may assign coaching accountability to different stakeholders.

A sales enablement platform like Mindtickle helps you define rules and automate processes a

round coaching – triggering a coaching event, facilitating manager and salesperson interaction, and driving visibility to different stakeholders through analytics.

2. Makes collaboration easier

While it’s always great to collaborate in person, that’s near impossible when you’ve got salespeople all over the country. Rather than wait months until your next sales kickoff you can use technology so your

subject matter experts can to coach your reps

. For example, our Product Manager Daniel sits in San Francisco and provides coaching to our rep Beverlie in Boston directly through our sales enablement platform. Workflows are set up to remind our experts to provide their feedback promptly and our sales rep receives it directly to her mobile device.
This process also works at a large scale as one of our customers has found. With over 700 sales reps distributed across the world, they’re able to provide specialist coaching to each rep on three capabilities they’ve identified – selling skills, demo and account based demand generation. For each capability, they’ve identified specific areas that reps need to excel at. They also have subject matter experts to coach reps on each scenario through role plays and on the job coaching.

Another example is ForeScout who uses technology

to help managers and SMEs collaborate during their sales onboarding process. In a process they call the “Pitch Back” they leverage Mindtickle by having reps record practice pitches so their experts can hear how they’re using their onboarding knowledge in sales calls. The experts and managers can then provide feedback and coaching to the rep in real time through the app.

3. Makes stakeholder accountable

Workflows not only make it easier to collaborate, but they also hold everyone in the process accountable. For example, by allocating coaching modules to each sales rep you can ensure that everyone’s needs are covered. Managers typically focus on lagging indicators and tactical coaching but do not focus much time on strategic skill development. The middle 60% can really benefit by getting coaching on core capabilities.

In fact, research has found

that it’s in the middle 60% where sales coaching can have its biggest impact on performance.

Technology can provide a simple way to check that all reps are being given the attention they require and that coaching is having the maximum effect possible.

A technology platform like Mindtickle provides relevant stakeholders with contextual notifications, coaching tasks and visibility over the progress that is being made by reps and managers in the coaching process.

Transparency is key to the process and technology facilitates this.

4. Enable peer to peer learning

Coaching isn’t just about learning from your manager, it’s also about developing sales skills by finding out how the best do it. That’s why sharing best practices across your organization is important. This is easier if you have a small sales team and everyone is located in the same office.

But what do you do if you have a distributed field sales team or a large inside sales team?

The best way to facilitate (and automate) peer to peer learning is by leveraging technology.

A technology platform like Mindtickle makes identifying expert knowledge and sharing it with a large sales team seamless and automated.

5. Share success stories

Watching role plays and pitches is just one way the reps can learn from each other.

Success stories

are another effective way to motivate and inspire your reps.

There are several advantages to reps sharing how they won that big deal or closed a challenging sale.

  • It cross-pollinates proven techniques across geographical boundaries
  • Builds a sales culture that encourages sharing and learning
  • Gives a pretty great ego boost to the successful rep

By leveraging technology, you can ensure that your sales reps are given the best opportunity to be successful. Technology provides not only structure and accountability but also enables your sales managers to make decisions about what their reps need to be coached on and even facilitates how they are coached. This increases your reps confidence so they’re ready to have those difficult conversations with customers.

Practical guide to coaching new hires