I spent two days last week at the TOPO Summit, meeting with and hearing from leaders at some of the world’s best marketing and sales organizations. Based on the conversations with these industry leaders, practitioners, and TOPO analysts, it’s clear we’re making some progress toward creating better and more engaging experiences for prospects and customers.
One of the most interesting sessions, Operationalizing Sales Enablement, was from one of our customers, Alex Jaffe, a leader on the Procore Sales Enablement team. In his session, he highlighted their holistic program focused on organizational buy-in, the virtues of starting small and scaling enablement as a process, function and integrated tools, communication, onboarding, certification, and more. His story started with the fundamental question of how the organization was going to scale their organization quickly after their $15M round of funding from Bessemer Venture Partners in 2015. At that time, their core challenge was how to scale a small sales team with a lot of institutional knowledge to a much larger and more diverse sales force.
Read the Procore Case Study here.
During this transition, they developed a sales playbook after meeting with all the stakeholders from the head of sales, CEO and president to marketing and more with one, simple goal in mind — help reps sell more, faster while protecting the reps time and productivity.
As Alex noted in his TOPO Summit presentation, he and his team recognized that all the reps would need to know all relevant product information and campaign-specific information, just not all at the same time. They also realized that this process of setting and aligning expectations should begin during the sales bootcamp experience and then roll into the 30-60-90 day plans of their sales reps. As that program has developed over time, it has expanded to the point where after three to four days of intensive learning, reps go through various levels of certification. Role-playing is especially critical to ensure brand new reps have the ability to conduct an effective and engaging initial conversation with a customer right after coming out of their bootcamp. Based on the levels of the certification and their specific roles, like an SDR or an AE, they have built specialized learning paths for each of these scenarios.
The end result of these sales enablement and readiness efforts has led to Procore becoming one of the fastest growing software companies in North America.
To learn more about how Procore set their sales teams up for success and readied them to have impactful conversations with customers and prospects,
read the Procore case study: https://www.mindtickle.com/about-procore/.