I’m sadly not alone in having stories of prematurely losing male loved-ones to untimely, often unnecessary and tragic deaths. I never realized I was in the midst of a male health crisis of my own having lost a dear friend at 39 years old to pneumonia, a father who was only 69 to a stroke, and a grandfather to suicide.
My colleague Oscar Collingsworth-Smith, our new star FinServ Industry Exec, has similar stories of losing dear male family members to tragic, not-caught-early-enough diseases. Sadly, early male deaths are all-too-common; most everyone knows men die earlier and more often than women. What they may not know is many of those deaths are preventable. And more still, like me, may not be aware that
is a leading charity working to change the face of men’s health.
In fact, Movember addresses some of the biggest health issues facing men today: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention. In 15 years, the Movember Foundation has funded more than 1,200 men’s health projects around the world. By 2030, the foundation will reduce the number of men dying prematurely by 25%.
I’m super proud to join Movember as a Mo Sista with Mindtickle, who for the month of November, will be supporting men’s health by raising funds and awareness for all the dads, brothers, sons and friends in our lives.
Across the globe, Mindticklers will be growing mustaches, getting active, and inspiring donations & conversations to bring about change in the men’s health crisis.
With Mindtickle, we’ll be tracking, evaluating and discussing our team’s Mos, using the
Mustache Capability Index
to judge style, craftsmanship, density, difficulty, healthiness, size and personal fit. The Mindtickle Mo Sistas will be moving, participating in events, and showing their support and love for the ‘Mo.
And you can help our cause here – right on Mindtickle’s very own Mo’Space!
Thanks to Oscar and a supportive executive team, Mindtickle is coming together to change the face of men’s health. And, I’m all in!