In this 15Â minute podcast, Nardin outlines:
- How the sales industry and sales technology have changed in the past eight years
- How you can use technology as a strategic differentiator for your business
- Whether sales technology should influence your hiring practices
- What we can expect to see in the sales technology landscape in the future
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“How can we use technology as a strategic differentiator to help our organization grow in the fastest way possible and really builds relationships with customers?”
That’s the question every organization should ask itself before adding something to their sales stack according to Nancy Nardin, and she would know. Nardin has worked in sales in the Valley since the 1980s – she even sold the world’s first laptop computer. Eight years ago she founded Smart Selling Tools, a place where sales practitioners can learn about sales technology and stay up-to-date on the industry.
With so many different sales technologies now available it can be overwhelming to know what will help your sales organization.
“I don’t think we really should be thinking about the tech too much,” suggests Nardin. “What we should be doing is thinking about what’s keeping us from being as effective and productive as we can be. What’s keeping us from generating more revenue and from serving the customer better? These are the challenges that we need to break down, and then decide what technology is the best technology to apply to that.”