Give Your Reps the Right Training to

We know finding the right training to help your reps win is hard. For a limited time,
Mindtickle is offering a Content Quickstart Package* consisting of 3 FREE training modules
designed for Sales teams with high growth quotas to help them:
  • Prospect and qualify leads easier
  • Improve efficiency in the most critical stages of the sales cycle
  • Close deals faster

These three award-winning content packages from Sandler Training, combined with
Mindtickle’s learning path progression, will provide your Sales team with the training and
tools needed to improve their skills.

1. Introduction to the Sandler Selling System

This content sets the stage for changing a rep’s mindset and approach to sales.

  • Personalized, ongoing reinforcement
  • Reframe seller mentality from selling to buying
  • Includes overview of the SandlerSelling System

2. Up-Front Contracts

Allows reps to learn the framework and techniques while using the Mindtickle platform to get Manager feedback on real calls.

  • Sets expectations at the beginning of each interaction ensuring both rep and prospect have shared meeting goals
  • Accelerates the rep’s sales cycle
  • Increases efficiency across the team

3. Prospecting

This content helps reps overcome ‘call reluctance’ to change negative thinking and build a higher value proposition so reps can:

  • Create their prospecting behavior plan in Mindtickle
  • Practice their talk track to gain confidence and reinforce a positive mindset

Request a Demo

*Content Quickstart Package is provided by Sandler Training—Mindtickle’s training and development partner

Request a demo to learn more about this FREE trial offer!