Top Companies Choose Mindtickle
Over Gong to Fuel Revenue Productivity

gong alternative

Why waste $1,200 per rep per year or more on standalone revenue intelligence platforms?
Get the one platform for revenue intelligence, forecasting, coaching, buyer and seller enablement.

Talk to us

Find out why companies are selecting Mindtickle over Gong.

Mindtickle delivers long-lasting results

47% YoY Sales Growth

$200K Higher Sales Productivity

95% Forecast Accuracy

30% Increase in Revenue Per Rep

Don't take our word for it

See why users consistently rate Mindtickle better than Gong for AI,
speech-to-text, call scoring, ease of use, product direction, and quality of support.

Here’s what you’re missing



Feature Mindtickle Gong
AI forecasting & deal risk analysis
Stage-specific call analysis
Call & email transcription
Coaching insights from enablement tool
Content management system to easily deploy sales plays, competitive plays, etc.
Digital sales rooms for collaborating with buyers
Mutual Action Plans
AI video role-plays and spaced reinforcement of trainings
Ideal Rep Profiles that benchmark rep performance with company goals and competency models

Considering Revenue Intelligence or Forecasting solution?
Look no further.

Why Mindtickle is the only reasonable choice

Drive ops, coaching, and enablement platform

What you think is a “best in class” stack costs $400-500 per rep per month. And it’s loosely connected to each other via APIs. Do it all on one enterprise platform.

Use RI for long-term impact on behaviors

Don’t stop with just forecasting this quarter and inspecting open deals. Identify behaviors that need to change immediately. And then change them using the same software.

More buyer signals than ever before

Why stop at just email and call analysis? Get insights on multi-threading, buyer engagement with content, and any account’s mutual action plan for the buying journey.

Enterprise-grade compliance & security

Mindtickle works with more than 3250+ Enterprise customers, including Cisco, Astra Zeneca, Mastercard, LinkedIn and more. Maintain global compliance and the highest standards of security and availability.

Learn how Data Axle uses Mindtickle

Data Axle needed a modern solution to deliver onboarding and ongoing training. Sal Pecoraro, SVP, of Client Technology Solutions at Data Axle, talks about how Data Axle uses Mindtickle’s complete Revenue Productivity Platform to ensure its sellers are ramped up quickly and always ready to close any deal.

Built for your entire team

Develop top sales performers with Mindtickle.

Make Mindtickle your revenue intelligence platform

Find out how Mindtickle can empower you to optimize revenue operations, and drive repeatable growth.