Disillusioned with Highspot? Need an Alternative?
Here’s Why Customers Switch to Mindtickle

Frustrated with answering your team’s questions about where an asset is or if it exists? Hearing complaints about how hard it is to find the right assets for customer engagement? Mindtickle customers who switched over from Highspot love our more intuitive sales content management experience and more importantly they get incredible value with our integrated digital sales rooms, sales training, call insights, and forecasting. Drive more revenue productivity by consolidating under one platform.

Take the first step

The top three reasons to switch from Highspot

Better align content to move deals forward

Make it simple for sellers to weave the right content assets into their front-line interactions with customers, with Mindtickle’s digital sales rooms and tie your content assets to revenue.

Drive sustained seller behavior change

What good is content if sales reps don’t know how to use it? Mindtickle is rated the #1 sales training tool by G2, offering a richer tool set to reinforce seller knowledge and ensure excellent execution.

Revenue productivity in one platform

The average seller today uses 10+ apps. Mindtickle can eliminate 5-7 of them, including Highspot.


Both Mindtickle and Highspot have strong sales content management. The comparisons stop there.




Mindtickle Highspot
Sales content management
Sales content governance
Easy-to-Build Digital sales rooms to consolidate all buyer/seller interaction
Advanced, AI-powered sales training and role-plays
Partner enablement
Interactive training content that’s pre-built and ready-to-use
Call Recording analytics
Deal & sales forecasting AI

Mindtickle delivers long-lasting results

47% YoY sales growth
$200K Higher sales productivity

Learn how Druva uses Mindtickle

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