Video: How to Use CRM Data and Conversation Intelligence to Inform Your 2024 Enablement Plan

Over the past few weeks, we’ve shared some tips on reducing the chaos in your tech stack. (You can check out Rahul’s video on accelerating bigger, faster deals with consolidation and Elisha’s tips for using your CRM, enablement analytics, and Call AI to inform better coaching.)

Today we’re sharing one of our most popular videos, which features Helen Waite from our product marketing team sharing ways for enablement professionals to streamline their tech stack and enhance their 2024 enablement plans.

Key takeaways:

During sales stage review:

  • Use CRM data to analyze conversion rates at different sales stages.
    Identify specific stages to see where win rates may decline.
  • Leverage conversation intelligence tools to review calls from the identified stage.
  • Examine whether sales methodologies like MEDDPICC are consistently followed.
  • Take corrective actions, such as reinforcing training or coaching, to address weaknesses in specific stages.

For a product or service launch:

  • Evaluate revenue performance against goals for previous product or service launches.
  • Assess how reps messaged, used content, and addressed prospect concerns.
  • Refine content based on reps’ understanding, prospect engagement, and feedback for future launches.
  • Incorporate learnings into the plan for subsequent product or service launches in the coming year.

To help ramp time for new reps:

  • Look at your CRM to determine the time to first deal for new hires.
  • Assess coaching effectiveness and manager involvement for new reps in the field.
  • Conduct role-plays to prep new reps for real-world selling scenarios.
  • Implement a new hire survey to gather feedback on the onboarding process.
  • Use feedback to improve coaching strategies, enhance onboarding processes, and reduce ramp time.


Hey there. I’m Helen Waite from the product marketing team here at Mindtickle. And today I will talk a little about how to reduce your tech stack chaos. And really how enablement professionals can use all the different tech they use in their day-to-day job to better inform their 2024 calendar enablement.

Professionals, just like sales reps, are juggling a ton of different tech just to get their job done. Sometimes this means we’re not always using all the insights data and reports from these different systems to best inform a cohesive strategy.

Today, I’ll cover three ways that our customers have shared that they’ve used specifically their CRM data, and their conversation intelligence data, to better inform their enablement calendar.

As we’re getting into planning season, think of these three tips and how they can help you. First, we’ll look at a sales stage review. How CI and CRM data can play into looking at the individual stages your reps go through and how they perform in each stage? Then we’ll look into how to use this data to inform a product or service launch you may have coming up next year. And finally, we’ll look at ramp time. If you have new reps coming on board next year, how can you use learnings from this year to inform that plan? So let’s get into it.

The first tip is around a sales stage review.

A customer came to us who saw a massive spike in a decrease in their win rates at a certain sales stage, the discovery stage. How can they use the data points they have from their CRM and conversation intelligence to better attack this sales stage for the coming year? So in this scenario, the report you’re going to use will come from your CRM, and that’s your conversion rates by sales stage.

In this example, this customer saw this discovery stage was declining in their win rates; their win rates weren’t good and discovery, so the enablement team wanted to look into why that was. You’ll take action to review calls from the discovery stage of those reps to look at what’s happening in these discovery calls. And what’s the action that you’re going to take?

In this case, you can look at sales methodology. Is the methodology that you’ve implemented, maybe it’s MEDDPIC being followed? Or are there certain stages in discovery where MEDPICC is not being adhered to? You can look at the types of questions that your reps are asking or the content that they’re sharing in this stage, what is being evaluated across several different calls, and then take those findings and make sure that’s implemented in our 2024 plan, that could be in the form of reinforcement.

If a certain stage has declining win rates, you may need to focus on reinforcing training around that stage; what are your best practices that reps, or BDR, is depending on the stage you should be doing? And then also look at how role plays or coaching can play a hand in reinforcing this sales stage performance. By doing these call reviews, looking at if there’s a certain sales stage where you’re losing more than you were before, how can you find similarities across these calls and implement this as part of your plan for next year?

Our second tip is around a product or service launch.

In the next year, if you are launching a new product or service, take learnings from the previous year; how you’ll do that is looking at a report for a new product or service launch, what the revenue you made on that launch was versus your goal.

Maybe you launched a new service into the market and you’re looking at how you achieved how you performed on that launch versus your goal. Maybe you didn’t quite reach that revenue goal for that new product or service, and you want to reinforce that going into the new year. Maybe you have an additional product or service launch where you want to take learnings from that initial one last year.

Look at your revenue versus goal. The action you will take is digging into each of the calls where this product or service was pitched. So you can do this in conversation intelligence tools by easily searching the product name you’re looking for. You can drill down into the calls where this was discussed. To analyze what happened in those calls, what content was used or not used? How was the rep landing the messaging for this product or service launch? Was it aligned with what marketing or product marketing put together? Were they using the content correctly? Did the prospect understand the new product or service? Did it fit with their use case or help them solve a problem for them?

And then your action, how this will inform your plan for next year, is any launch plan adjustments, maybe there was some content missing that the rep didn’t have, to speak to this product or service?

Maybe there’s team-specific enablement where your reps were able to nail the messaging for this product. But when it comes to implementation, things fell short of what the customer expected. Or maybe the implementation wasn’t as smooth as possible. That could be something that you want to focus on for next year. And then, finally, content refinement. How was the content that you had for this new product or service? Did the reps understand it? Did they use it? Did prospects engage with it? Are there learnings from prospect reactions to further pass on to marketing or product marketing for next year?

Finally, ramp time evaluation. So if you have new reps coming on board, you are always looking at that time to first deal for new hires. How long is it taking for them to get revenue in the door? That’s the report you’ll look at in CRM. And then the action you’ll take is looking at these new reps when they’re in the field. How are they being coached? Is this an opportunity to coach the coach where their managers weren’t as present, or do they need more feedback and guidance from their managers? Maybe their managers need a little help on how best to coach new hires coming in.

You can also look at role plays. So preparing them for the field by doing several simulations that prepare them for real-world selling scenarios. And finally, doing a new hire survey. What is the feedback from new hires on their onboarding process? What do they think could be improved? Make sure all of that is incorporated into your plan for next year.

Those three tips can help you use your CRM data in your conversation intelligence data to help inform your 2024 enablement plan. For more actions and insights into how you can help plan and use all of your different tech and reduce some of that tech stack chaos, scan the QR code here to get more tips from our team. Thanks so much.

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5 Types of Sales Metrics to Understand and Improve Performance

Sales performance metrics tell the story of your business and its role in customers’ lives. These metrics don’t just empower your sales team and help them improve; you can also use this information to increase visibility for planning and reporting.

Once you’ve started using metrics to track sales performance, there’s only one question: How do you use those metrics meaningfully? Fortunately, there are several best practices for tracking and analyzing this information.

Here’s a look at the five most important types of sales metrics and how to use them to your advantage.

What are sales metrics?

Sales metrics are data points that represent the performance of an individual salesperson or a full sales team. Management and other leaders use different types of sales metrics to track progress, identify issues and prepare for future growth.

Sales management metrics aren’t just for visibility. They’re also a great way to incentivize sales teams to hit targets consistently. Sales leaders can use metrics to fine-tune training and make any necessary adjustments to individual learning, contributing to better overall performance.

Essentially, sales performance metrics aim to steer sales teams in the right direction. This information helps identify problems in the sales process, grow revenue, and increase competitiveness in today’s marketplace.

How to choose the most important sales performance metrics to track

Different businesses need to track different types of sales metrics. It’s up to you to decide which are most important for your industry, customer base, and individual teams — but it’s always smart to keep these ideas in mind:

  • Have a goal: Every tracked metric should have a purpose, such as supporting sales enablement or providing insight into your sales onboarding process.
  • Unite your data: Sales metrics don’t exist in a vacuum. Ensure they work together to create visibility into your entire sales process and customer journey.
  • Skip the vanity metrics: Vanity metrics, such as views or attendee numbers, don’t actually contribute to your sales performance or revenue. Don’t get too caught up in this information.
  • Stay consistent: You don’t have to track the same metrics all the time, but always use a single method for tracking and recording data so your numbers remain consistent.
  • Learn: When choosing which sales metrics to track, remember that you’re supporting your sales team, sales forecasting, and more. Learn from your data and put those insights to good use for your business overall.

The 5 most important types of sales metrics

Since there are a plethora of sales metrics available, it can be difficult to figure out which ones to track. Let’s take a closer look at five of the most important sales metrics:

1. Sales KPIs

Sales KPIs are connected to company-wide goals or objectives, which means this data allows organizations to measure overall performance. Managers often depend on sales KPIs to make informed business decisions. That’s because sales KPIs help identify key gaps related to product-market fit, sales team efficiency, and more.

The most important sales KPIs include:

  • Customer lifetime value (CLV): The amount of money a customer will spend during their entire relationship with your business.
  • Revenue from new customers: The revenue you get exclusively from new business or first-time buyers.
  • Revenue from existing customers: The revenue you earn from up- or cross-selling to current or previous customers.
  • Year-over-year growth: Your sales performance compared to the same time period last year.

2. Hiring and onboarding metrics

With the right hiring and sales onboarding observations and metrics, managers can fine-tune job descriptions and reduce the risk of future hiring mistakes, which can cost a great deal of time, money and headaches down the road. Sales leaders will also have valuable data that informs them of when and how to recruit new candidates.

The top hiring and onboarding metrics include:

  • Sales ramp-up time: Average time for new sales representatives to be completely productive.
  • Productivity: The ratio of sales to quota capacity, and the actual monetary impact of an increase or decrease in this productivity.
  • Retention: The number of new hires who stay with the company.

3. Training and coaching metrics

Without a strong sales enablement strategy, it’s nearly impossible to create and maintain a successful sales team. Therefore, training and coaching metrics are invaluable to those in sales, marketing, management, and just about anyone else involved in sales enablement.

These metrics include:

  • Efficiency: Time spent on training compared to time spent answering team member questions during sales processes.
  • Satisfaction: Sales representative satisfaction and engagement during onboarding, training and coaching.
  • Manager effectiveness: Quality of interaction in shadowing, ride-alongs, 1:1 reviews, two-way feedback loops, and more.
  • Cost of training: Average cost per sales representative in both money and time.

4. Outreach metrics

If your sales representatives focus on closing deals via phone, email, and social media, outreach metrics can be very beneficial, particularly when tied back to training content (learning) and skill-building activities (practice). Managers and trainers can use them to determine which outreach methods require greater attention.


  • Open rate: How many customers open an e-mail.
  • Response rate: How many customers reply directly to an e-mail.
  • Engagement rate: How many customers click a link or otherwise engage with content in an email.


  • Call-backs: Percentage of prospects who call back to follow up.
  • Conversations: Percentage of prospects who agree to talk with your sales team.
  • Conversions: Percentage of prospects who move to the next steps.

Social media

  • Requests: Percentage of LinkedIn connection requests accepted.
  • Interactions: Number of likes, shares, and comments on social media posts.
  • Meetings: Number of meetings set through social media.
  • Opportunities: Number of qualified opportunities generated.

5. Pipeline metrics

Through pipeline metrics, sales managers can thoroughly understand their success throughout the entire pipeline. They can also provide insights into how their organization is dominating the market and what kind of demand there is for their products or services.

The most important pipeline metrics are:

  • Sales cycle length: How long it takes to move from prospect to customer.
  • Sales per rep: How many sales each representative makes in a given time period.
  • Sales by region: How many deals are closed in each area.
  • Average deal size: Average amount of revenue per sale.
  • Churn rate: How many customers are lost in a given time period.
  • Quota attainment: The average percentage of quota completion.

The importance of tracking and analyzing sales metrics

By making it a priority to track sales performance metrics, sales-driven organizations can:

Better optimize the employee experience

There’s a direct correlation between employee experience and customer experience. By tracking and analyzing sales metrics, organizations can gain valuable insight into what is working for their employees and what isn’t.

Provide insightful training feedback

While sales leaders can ask their new sales representatives how they feel about their training, the answers likely won’t be thorough enough to accurately gauge how they’re doing. With sales metrics within reach, however, teams can figure out exactly how effective their training program is and where they need to improve.

Increase customer retention

Retention efforts increase customer lifetime value and boost revenue as a result. To increase customer retention, sales representatives must engage existing customers to continue to buy an organization’s products or services.

There are a number of sales metrics such as customer churn, time between purchases, and loyal customer rate that can give sales leaders and the management team a close look at how well their organization is retaining clients.

How technology can help

An analytics interface is one of the easiest and most effective ways to track and manage key sales metrics. When shopping around for sales enablement analytics software, organizations should be on the lookout for the following important features:

  • Real-time alerts: An interface should offer data on real-time changes in the market.
  • Filters: Whether it’s a high-level view or a highly specific look at particular metrics, filters should allow you to customize your parameters for any given goal.
  • Sharing: Data, tools and tasks should be easy to share via email for internal parties or through public URLs for external users.
  • Collaboration tools: Dashboards should allow users to make comments, share key metrics and create slideshows. Automation features such as report scheduling and program notifications are important, too.

Mindtickle helps you make the most of sales data

Finding a sales metrics example that resonates with your team is one thing. It’s another thing entirely to use that sales metric to your advantage — and to combine it with all the other data you have at your disposal. You need a way to keep this information in one platform — a shared workspace that sales teams and other departments can access, contribute to and utilize at will.

Mindtickle’s revenue productivity platform is designed to help you understand and quantify the strengths and weaknesses of your sales team, then take data-driven steps to improve sales capabilities. With Mindtickle, you can leverage built-in reporting and analytics to measure seller effectiveness and track progress against KPIs.

Sales Performance in Mindtickle

Learn more about how Mindtickle helps you track sales performance and all sales metrics.

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This article was originally posted in April 2020, updated in March 2023, and again in February 2024.