4 Jaw-Dropping Stats That’ll Change Your Approach to Sales Discovery Calls


In many ways, sales discovery calls are the heart of the sales process. Much like a first date, they allow reps and prospects to decide whether moving the relationship forward makes sense.

But discovery calls are like dates in another way, too: They’re your reps’ first — and sometimes only — chance to make a great first impression. If the call is unnecessarily long, one-sided, or confusing to the prospect, there likely won’t be a second date.

So what’s the difference between a great discovery call that leads to a closed deal and a bad one that leads nowhere?

We looked at thousands of discovery calls recorded and included the findings in our 2024 State of Sales Productivity Report to identify the ingredients of a great discovery call. Here are four of our most important findings — and why they should make you rethink your entire approach to the sales discovery call.

What is the sales discovery process?

Let’s get one question out of the way right up front: What is a discovery call?

It may be the first impression — a chance for reps to touch base with prospects, share your value proposition, and address early concerns — but it’s not the first step. A sales discovery call occurs well into the overall sales discovery process.

Before a rep ever reaches for that phone, they’ll likely need to:

  • Perform preliminary lead qualification or scoring
  • Capture valuable information from forms, demo requests, or other interactions
  • Perform research on the lead — including goals, pain points, company background, and more
  • Identify vital points or topics to mention during the call
  • Create a plan, including discovery questions and call duration
  • Request the call in a way that outlines goals and respects the lead’s time

These tasks lay the groundwork for a successful discovery call. They also help ensure that both the rep and the prospect get their questions answered, achieve certain goals, and use the available time well.

Perhaps most importantly, they create an environment that supports sales acceleration and revenue intelligence solutions by setting up your reps to gather the right information at the right time.

Key sales discovery stats

With the basics out of the way, it’s time to discover what a great discovery call looks like. Here’s what our research says:

The average discovery call is

minutes long

A successful sales discovery call can’t be too long, or prospects may feel it drags and lacks focus. Of course, the opposite is also true; spending too little time on a discovery call leaves unanswered questions and creates frustration.

You should do some digging if your reps’ sales discovery calls are significantly over or under 38 minutes. Consider monitoring the calls to find out:

  • What questions are being asked
  • Who is talking most — the rep or the prospect
  • How the call is structured
  • What the outcomes are

On average, reps talk for

of discovery calls
0 %

That means prospects speak less than half (43%) of the time.

The best reps develop rapport and relationships with their prospects, but ensuring a sales discovery call doesn’t feel one-sided is also important.

If your reps are talking markedly more or less than this 57%, review call recordings or talk to your team to see:

  • How they’re using their talking time
  • What word choices they’re making and whether they’re using too many filler words or unnecessary questions
  • Whether they’re “making up for” a less engaged or talkative prospect by talking more themselves
  • Whether they’re having trouble “breaking in” if a prospect is talkative
  • How they manage the flow of the conversation

The average rep monologue is just over


On average, a rep’s longest monologue should last about 2 minutes and 15 seconds. That gives the rep plenty of time to address the important points and topics identified in their preliminary research, but it also prevents them from dominating the conversation or causing prospects to get bored and disengage.

What if your reps aren’t following this pattern? Uncover details on:

  • An individual rep’s longest monologue time
  • How much a rep is talking overall
  • Which topics take longer to explain (which may indicate a need for sales coaching)

During discovery calls, there are

questions asked
questions answered

Keep in mind that a great discovery call is always a two-way conversation. Both the rep and the prospect should ask and answer questions, and when things are really going well, these questions will flow naturally into one another rather than feeling like part of a script.

This year, the number of sales call discovery questions from both parties has decreased significantly. This isn’t surprising, as the overall length of discovery calls has also decreased. If you notice your data doesn’t match, find out:

  • Who is asking the most questions
  • What kinds of questions are being asked
  • Whether each question has a complete, accurate answer

Sales call discovery questions

When planning a sales call, reps know it’s important to ask the right kinds of questions. This isn’t the time to ask for answers that are readily available elsewhere — like on the prospect’s company website.

The most productive sales reps ask these four types of discovery questions:

Determine if an opportunity is worth pursuing.

 Identify a prospect’s needs and uncover a hole that only your solution can fill.

Uncover insights that move deals forward, such as who the key decision-makers and influencers are.

Demonstrate an understanding of a company’s business model and industry-specific challenges.

Here are a few example questions:


  • What does your budget look like?
  • What are the main hurdles in choosing and implementing a solution?
  • What is your timeline?

Problem area

  • What are your goals, and what’s keeping you from reaching them right now?
  • How satisfied are you with your existing solution?
  • What are you looking for in a new solution?


  • Who are the key decision-makers in your organization?
  • What is the size and structure of your team?
  • What does your current tech stack look like?


  • How does [industry trend or event] impact your company right now?
  • Why do customers come to you for [product or service]?
  • How do you beat competition such as [competitor] in [key performance metric]?

Reps should always listen for opportunities to up- and cross-sell. However, their main goal should be laying the groundwork for a successful relationship by obtaining sufficient information, having helpful conversations, and presenting your company as the best possible solution to a given problem. They should also quickly lay out the next steps to indicate interest in continuing to support the prospect.

Nail your next sales discovery call

No one goes into a first date without a little preparation. Your reps need support, tools, and strategies for lead research, scoring, question development, call strategy, and more — and that’s where Mindtickle comes in.

Mindtickle is a revenue enablement platform that integrates all your data, processes, training, and prospect or customer conversations. With all this information in one place, you can better prepare your reps for their next sales discovery call. Better yet, you can track sales performance and other key metrics to see what’s working (and what isn’t). 

Better Sales Discovery Calls with Mindtickle

Want to learn more about ensuring every seller is ready to lead discovery calls that clinch that second meeting?

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This post was originally published in July 2021, updated in May 2023, and again in August 2024.