Learn How Formalized Onboarding Helped Chownow Reduce Time to First Deal by 50%

Cole Lindbergh

ChowNow faced the challenge of onboarding remote new hires without a formalized program. With standardized training, there was room for impactful manager conversations too. “With Mindtickle, the ability to create modules and courses that introduce certain topics can be more beneficial in some ways than just listening to someone talk about it on a Zoom call,” says Cole Lindbergh, Sales Enablement Manager, Revenue Operations, ChowNow. Watch this video to learn how ChowNow was able to create & deploy a robust new-hire training program that decreased time from new hire first to deal.

Aurigo Leveraged Mindtickle for Structured Sales Enablement and Onboarding of their GTM Team

The Mindtickle team has not just been a partner to me but also everyone at Aurigo who has been trying to work on their respective focus areas. It can be overwhelming for anyone who has to get things done without the necessary support, so that’s been a great lift off of my shoulders to feel like Mindtickle is there to answer those questions and be supportive to the Aurigo team.

Propeller Speeds Sales Cycle with Digital Sales Rooms

“The team sees Mindtickle as a huge component of their deal process. It looks sharp and allows them to gain a good understanding of what their prospect is thinking and engaging with throughout the entire sales cycle. Mindtickle is the one-stop-content-shop for our entire organization.”