How Fastmarkets Uses Mindtickle to Digitize Their Competency Framework

Anusha Purkis, Head of Sales Enablement, Fastmarkets

Fastmarkets, a company providing market data and analysis, has been using Mindtickle to streamline its onboarding process and enhance its sales coaching capabilities. Anusha Purkins, Head of Sales Enablement, says Mindtickle helped their internal EPS score for sales jump from -16 to +22. Additionally, Fastmarkets leveraged Mindtickle to create prescriptive coaching programs and Call AI to empower reps with self-assessment and immediate application of learnings. This comprehensive approach has provided significant impact, including a certified sales enablement program, increased average order value, and improved go-to-market alignment.

Learn How Mindtickle Powers the School of Splunk

Nancy French, Splunk

With Mindtickle as Splunk Coach’s engine, Splunk could begin taking action on its main enablement objectives, including increasing sales rep productivity and overall revenue impact and creating more engaging and personalized learning journeys. In this video, Nancy French, Director of Operations, Systems & Tools at Splunk, talks about how Sales Managers at Splunk can now create their coaching content faster and personalize it to fit the specific needs of their reps. This also frees up our content team to work on other tasks.