Call AI Integrations

Uncover powerful coaching opportunities and deal insights to help reps win more

Weave Call AI into sales reps’ daily routines

Make your reps wildly productive by recording and analyzing every call, email, and meeting. Proactively identify coaching opportunities and next steps. Help reps understand deal health scores and uncover risks so they can win more deals while adding a personal touch to their sales process.

Call AI and revenue intelligence: Level up RevOps and sales

Get full visibility into every call, email and meeting. Score death health, uncover risks, and forecast more accurately.

Unlock voice of customer insights

Share meaningful feedback with teams like product, marketing, and customer success.

Forecast more accurately

Save rep ops teams 30 hours a week while forecasting with 95%+ accuracy.

Uncover deal insights & risks

Score deal health and proactively improve conversion rates.

Improve rep efficiency

Save reps time spent note-taking and updating Salesforce while increasing deal collaboration.

Call insights to inform your team’s next steps

Ensure teams are taking effective next steps by providing them with call recordings and insights in each account or opportunity by integrating our conversation intelligence software with your CRM or sales engagement platform.

Never miss a beat or an opportunity

Catch details that might have been missed in the heat of conversation with our web conferencing integrations

Easily review outbound calls with dialer integrations

Review calls quickly to gain insight into market trends, maintain compliance, and coach on real customer or prospect interactions by integrating with your dialer platform.



With Mindtickle, I was able to rapidly build out learning paths with modern content and introduce Mindtickle as home base for new hires so they get used to using it
Erin Hattenburg
Head of Sales and Channel Enablement
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Mindtickle provided analytics and helped us drive results that proved to our leadership what global enablement is trying to accomplish.
Amy Lord
Senior Analyst, Global Enablement
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Sales Coaching Guide

How to use conversation intelligence to navigate the sales cycle

Explore all that you can do with the
Mindtickle Sales Readiness Platform

Set performance goals, educate your team, create a coaching culture, track field
performance, and offer personalized solutions that improve long-term results.

Sales Onboarding

Ramp new sales team members quickly through formal and informal learning techniques.

Continuous Learning

Create a continuous state of excellence through ongoing programs, missions, and content.

Manager-Led Coaching

Create a coaching culture through personalized coaching on deals and skills.

Account Strategy & Review

Leverage field evidence to inform your account conversion and growth plans.

Sales Kickoffs

Use kickoffs and live instructor-led sessions to accentuate knowledge and skill development to improve sales performance.

Partner Enablement

Get your partners scaled quickly and keep them updated with your latest and greatest.

Sales Certification

Ensure reps are ready to carry out their skills on the field with pre-testing.

Voice of the Customer

Use call recording to identify and share market trends, customer needs, and ideas.

Ready up with reports, guides, and more

Sign up for webinars and events, or check out our Resource Center.

Seamless experience for efficient, productive teams

Integrate and automate to support your sales teams in getting to the right next steps with less effort