Digital Sales Rooms

Engage buyers and accelerate deals with custom Digital Sales Rooms at every opportunity.

Tired of dealing with slow deal cycles and low pipeline?

Get deals moving faster with real collaboration in our virtual sales platform.

Think of Digital Sales Rooms as hubs where everyone involved in the deal – sellers and buyers – get together to share ideas, communicate, and move the deal forward. Ensure your reps multithread and drive engagement with the entire decision committee.

Transform the buyer and seller experience with Digital Sales Rooms

One secure, shared space for all content, communication, and deal planning.

Engaging content experiences

Buyers find all deal-related content, effectively organized, along with helpful context.

Unlimited collaborators

One persistent link between all sellers and all buyers. We’ll even enrich new contacts for you.

Mutual action plans

Collaborate with buyers to set milestones and track progress throughout the customer lifecycle.

Granular engagement insights

Use detailed analytics for every participant to find out what content mattered to whom, check how engaged your buyers are, and plan what you should do next.

Create and deploy rooms in minutes

Set your sights on “closed won” in a few easy clicks. It’s really that simple.

  • Select a template or clone a top-performing room
  • Attach the related deal
  • Check out the auto-customized portal
  • Edit, reorganize, or add additional content
  • Publish the room to notify the deal’s contacts

Align all sellers & buyer stakeholders

Eliminate the friction and knowledge-siloing that comes from 1:1 content sharing.

  • Provide access to all involved collaborators: managers, engineers, SMEs, and more.
  • Maintain a static, shareable URL r for all buyer stakeholders, old and new.
  • Automatically enrich unknown visitors’ contact info and write them to the opportunity record.
  • Receive granular engagement insights, asset-by-asset, for all participants.

Align & accelerate with mutual action plans

Maintain visibility and collaboration throughout the deal cycle and beyond

  • Create templates for your standard sales motions.
  • Set milestones and associated action items.
  • Assign ownership and deadlines to steps as needed.
  • Check steps off as you get closer and closer to closing.

Digital Sales Rooms: not just for sales anymore

Use DSRs to supercharge your entire revenue organization.

  • Marketers can create and manage templates to help sellers utilize the right content.
  • Maintain a room throughout the sale and into the customer success journey.
  • Revenue leaders can use DSRs to monitor deal health and plan intervention
  • Content creators can easily track engagement and deal impact of content
  • Demand teams can create rooms for events, track participation, and generate leads

Continuous Learning Customer Stories

With Mindtickle, I was able to rapidly build out learning paths with modern content and introduce Mindtickle as home base for new hires so they get used to using it
Erin Hattenburg
Head of Sales and Channel Enablement
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Mindtickle provided analytics and helped us drive results that proved to our leadership what global enablement is trying to accomplish.
Amy Lord
Senior Analyst, Global Enablement
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Explore all that you can do with Mindtickle’s
Sales Readiness Platform

Set performance goals, educate your team, create a coaching culture, track field performance, and offer
personalized solutions that improve long-term results.

Sales Onboarding

Ramp new sales team members quickly through formal and informal learning techniques.

Continous Leraning

Create a continuous state of excellence through ongoing programs, missions, and content.

Manager-Led Coaching

Create a coaching culture through personalized coaching on deals and skills.

Account Stratergy & Review

Leverage field evidence to inform your account conversion and growth plans.


Use kickoffs and live instructor-led sessions to accentuate knowledge and skill development.

Partner Enablement

Get your partners scaled quickly and keep them updated with your latest and greatest.


Ensure reps are ready to implement skills in the field with pre-testing.

Voice Of the Customer

Use call recording to identify and share market trends, customer needs, and ideas.

Ready up with reports, guides, and more

Sign up for webinars and events or explore useful tools in the Resource Center

Unlock the power of collaborative selling.

Everything buyers and sellers need to streamline deal cycles and optimize outcomes.